-------------------------------------- Java Sag is under construction: How do I use the final keyword in Java?
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mercredi 9 mai 2012

How do I use the final keyword in Java?

The final modifier is used to mark a class final so that it cannot inherited, to prevent a method being overridden, and to prevent changing the value of a variable. Arguments of a method if declared as final is also can not be modified within the method.
package org.kodejava.example.fundametal;

public class FinalExample {
    // breed is declared final. 
    // can't change the value assigned to breed
    public final String breed = "pig";   
    private int count = 0;

    // sound() method is declared final, so it can't be overridden
    public final void sound() {     
        System.out.println("oink oink");

    // number parameter is declared final. can't change the value 
    // assigned to number
    public int count(final int number) {
        // assign a value to number variable will cause a 
        // compile-time error
        number = 1;
        count = +number;
        return count;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FinalExample fe = new FinalExample();
        // assign a value to breed variable will cause a 
        // compile-time error
        fe.breed = "dog";
        int number = fe.count(20);

final class SubFinalExample extends FinalExample {

    // try to override sound() method of superclass will cause a 
    // compile-time error
    public void sound() {

// try to inherit a class that declared final will cause a 
// compile-time error
class OtherFinalExample extends SubFinalExample {

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